Museum of Fine Arts – Boston, MA
Museum of the GIA – Carlsbad, CA
Smithsonian Institution – Washington, DC
Private Collections – California, Florida, New York
Intertwined: The Art of Basketry – Curated Exhibition, Arc Project Gallery, San Francisco, CA. Curators: Rachel Liebman and Linda Tapscott
Women Create 2025 – Curated Exhibition, 1202 Contemporary, Gilroy, CA. Curator: Marilynn Host
Continuity – Juried Exhibition, Coastal Arts League, Half Moon Bay, CA. Jurors: Marilynn Host and Greta Waterman
Crocker Kingsley 2025 Art Competition and Exhibition – Juried Exhibition, Blue Line Arts, Roseville, CA. Juror: Grace Kook-Anderson, curator Northwest Art, Portland Art Museum, Portland, OR
Women Create Space – Juried Exhibition, Olive Hyde Art Gallery, Fremont, CA. Jurors: Eliabeth Addison, Northern California Women’s Caucus for Art Exhibitions Chair, and Leah Andrews, Olive Hyde Art Gallery Curator, and Karen Gutfreund, artist and independent curator
A Question of Balance: Selected Works from Pacific Rim Sculptors – Juried Exhibition, Museum of Sonoma County, Santa Rosa, CA. Jurors: Jeff Nathanson, Executive Director and Art Curator, Museum of Sonoma County, Santa Rosa, CA, and Kate Eilertson, Executive Director and Chief Curator, di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art
Sculpture and Assemblage – An Exploration – Juried Exhibition, Marin Society of Artists, San Rafael, CA. Juror: Jeff Owens, abstract metal sculptor
She/They: Pacific Rim Sculptors – Juried Exhibition, Santa Cruz Art League, Santa Cruz, CA. Juror: Lauren Baines, interim Director of the de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
The Flame Within: Metal Artistry Unleashed – Curated Exhibition, members of the Metal Arts Guild, ACCI Gallery, Berkeley, CA.
Finding the Form: Bay Area Sculpture – Curated Exhibition, Sausalito Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA. Curator: Shiva Pakdel, Executive Director, SCA
International Fiber Arts XI – Juried Exhibition, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA. Jurors: Judith Content and Ann Johnston, fiber artists. Co-sponsor: Surface Design Association
2021 - 2022
100th Anniversary Exhibition – Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA. Judge: George Rivera, artist, former Executive Director and Senior Curator, Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA. Honorable Mention
Forge the Future – Curated Exhibition, celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Metal Arts Guild, ACCI Gallery, Berkeley, CA
Beauty or Truth – Juried Exhibition, featuring Pacific Rim Sculptors, Gallery 1337, Art Works Downtown, San Rafael, CA. Juror: Chandra Cerrito, Chandra Cerrito / Art Advisors
2020 - 2021
On the Edge: The de Young Open – Juried Exhibition, M. H. de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA. Jurors: renowned Bay Area artists Enrique Chagoya, Mildred Howard, and Hung Liu; plus Timothy Anglin Burgard, Distinguished Senior Curator and Ednah Root Curator-in-Charge of American Art, Claudia Schmuckli, Curator of Contemporary Art and Programming, Karin Breuer, Curator in Charge of the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, and Jill D'Alessandro, Curator in Charge of Costume and Textile Arts, at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
2020 Biennial Members Exhibition – Juried Exhibition, Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA. Juror: Emily Zaiden, Director Craft in America Center, Los Angeles, CA.
2019 – 2020
Form and Function: Fiber Arts for the 21st Century – Juried Exhibition, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San Jose, CA. Juror: Karen Gutfreund, activist curator and artist
Bauhaus Centennial – Taking Shape: Bauhaus Fiber Art Exhibition - Juried Exhibition, Art Ventures Gallery, Menlo Park, CA. Juror: Dr. Katharina Powers
Beyond the Warp and Weft: The Enduring Legacy of the Bauhaus – Curated Exhibition, The Gallery at Ruth’s Table, San Francisco, CA. Curator: Hanna Regev, art consultant and independent curator
Not Flat - Peninsula Sculptors’ Guild Members Group Exhibit, Studios Gallery at the Peninsula Museum of Art, Burlingame, CA
Reflections and Shadows - Juried Exhibition, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA. Juror: Maria Medua, Director, SFMOMA Artists Gallery.
International Fiber Arts VII - Juried Exhibition, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA. Jurors: Lia Cook, John Hopper, Kyoko Kumai.
Sculpture: On and Off the Wall - Peninsula Sculptors’ Guild Members Group Exhibit, Coastal Arts League, Half Moon Bay, CA
Intertwined: The Art of Basketry, Arc Project Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2025
Crocker Kingsley 2025, Blue Line Arts in partnership with the Kingsley Art Club and the Crocker Art Museum, Roseville, CA, 2025.
Women Create Space, a Celebration of Sculpture and Other Three-Dimensional Works by Northern California Artists, Olive Hyde Gallery and the Northern California Women’s Caucus for Art, 2024
MFA Never, 2020 Archive Project, Root Division, San Francisco, CA, 2020
Textile Techniques in Metal: For Jewelers, Textile Artists and Sculptors, Arline M. Fisch, Echo Point Books & Media, Brattleboro, VT, 2018 and 2016
1st Annual Jewelry and Metals Survey, Society of North American Goldsmiths, 2017. Jurors: Vivian Beer, Cornelie Holzach, and Alan Revere.
Textile Techniques in Metal: For Jewelers, Textile Artists and Sculptors, Arline M. Fisch, Lark Books, Ashville, NC, 2001 and 1996
“Transcending Textile Structures: Weaving and Lace Making with Metal”, Artist Talk at Ruth’s Table Gallery, San Francisco, CA
“Textile Techniques in Metal: (Un)Familiar Materials, (Un)Expected Methods”, 8th Annual Portland Jewelry Symposium, Portland, OR
2013 – 2020
Peninsula Museum of Art, Burlingame, CA. Group workshops and private classes.
The Ranch. Center for Arts and Craft, Snohomish, WA. Weaving with Metal
92nd Street Y, New York, NY. Weaving with Metal
Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, CA. Weaving with Metal
University of California Extension/Santa Cruz, Cupertino, CA. Weaving with Metal
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY
Bay Area Basket Makers Guild
Female Design Council
International Sculpture Center
Metal Arts Guild
National Basketry Organization
Northern California Women's Caucus for Art
Peninsula Women’s Caucus for Art
Pacific Rim Sculptors